Vegetarianism Explained: Making an Informed Decision

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Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride holds a Degree in Medicines and Postgraduate Degrees in both Neurology and Humay Nutrition. She is the creator of the concept of GAPS-Gut And Psychology / Gut And Physiology Syndrome. The GAPS Nutritional Protocol has been used successfully by hundreds of thousands of people around the world for treating a plethora of chronic health problems, from mentel illness to physical disorders. In her work Dr Natasha came across many young people who have chosen a plant-based life style and, as a result, became very ill. This prompted an intense study into the value of plant foods versus animal foods. This book is the result of this study. Dr Campbell-McBride gives a full scientific description of how animal and plant foods are digested and used by the human body. This information will give the reader a good understanding on how to feed their body to achieve optimal health and vitality. This book is an essential read for those who are considering a plant-based life style, so they can make an informed decision.

Dr Campbell-McBride has done it again! She brings her intelligence and uncorrupted common sense to the table and re-introduces us to the middle path of nutrition outlined in her book. It’s not just a ‘must-read’ but also a ‘must follow’!

Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD

Vegetarianism Explained is a rational, science-based, common-sense explanation of how our bodies use food, that will allow all of us – healthy people, sick people, parents raising children to understand the role of our food choices, what different foods do in our bodies and what our bodies need. This book should be required reading for every teenager, every parent, and every person fighting an illness. Thank you Dr Campbell-McBride, you’ve produced another critical masterpiece of health guidance for us all!

Dr Tom O’Bryan, DC CCN DACBN

Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride has done it again! As in her previous publications, she shone clear light where there is much misunderstanding and misinformation about nutrition and health. Her masterly blending of clinical cases, extensive review of the literature, and voice of personal experience make for compelling reading.

Dr Shideh Pouria, MB BS BSc MRCP (UK) PhD

Finally a world class human digestion expert explains why eating animals is positive for human health. The current diatribe against animal agriculture and meat consumption needs to tangle with a formidable foe: the human gut. As Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride dissects human digestion and its relationship to animals, the accusations that grass-fed livestock is destroying the planet are clearly disproven.

Joel Salatin, Organic Farmer, Consultant and Author, Polyface Farm, Virginia, USA


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